Our Network
ILDN is the umbrella body for local development companies in Ireland. These not-for-profit groups are building inclusive, vibrant communities and better life chances for people in every part of Ireland.
They assist communities and disadvantaged persons/groups with personal development and well-being, social inclusion, employment training and placement, enterprise and social enterprise, community development, environment and climate action.

With 2,100 employees on the ground, supporting 15,000 community groups and 170,000 individuals through €300+ million of programmes, each year, the ILDN membership is the largest Community Development/Anti-Poverty Network in the state.
Programmes include LEADER, Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme, Local Employment Service, Jobs Clubs, Back to Work Enterprise Allowance,Tús, Rural Social Scheme, social enterprise, Rural Recreation, Walks Scheme, health, mental health and social prescribing, environmental management and climate action.
Irish Local Development Network supports Local Development Companies through policy development and research; HR supports; training; representation to funders and policymakers; internal and external communications; widespread networking fora; membership of government and civil society committees, consultative bodies or working groups; group procurement, Garda Vetting etc.
ILDN is governed by a 14-person voluntary Board comprising Chairpersons and CEOs of Local Development Companies from six regions across the country. The Company also meets in Council comprising all 49 Chairpersons and CEOs several times annually.
The ILDN Strategic Plan (2020-20204) sets out key objectives for the network for the period to 2025. The full strategic plan can be read here: Strategic Plan 2020-2024 – Web
Chairperson: Martina Earley
Dr. Carol Baumann
Email: carol.baumann@ildn.ie
Conall Greaney
Finance and Administration
Email: conall.greaney@ildn.ie
Michelle Mullally
Programmes, Impact, Communications
Email: michelle.mullally@ildn.ie
Dr Philip O'Donnell
Research, Policy and Rural Affairs
Email: philip.odonnell@ildn.ie